California Lightworks SolarSystem Controller California Lightworks SolarSystem Controller 224,09 € Quantity: “SolarSystem Controller” works with “SolarSystem 1100, 550,275”. It can work with either one or an unlimited number of lamps. Allows you to automatically control the spectrum of the 24-hour timer and day / week / month calendar. View product
California Lightworks SolarSystem 550 VEG California Lightworks SolarSystem 550 VEG 991,09 € Quantity: The SolarySystem 550 Veg has the same design as the standard 550, but with a higher concentration of blue light for optimal plant growth. View product
California Lightworks SolarSystem 550 California Lightworks SolarSystem 550 991,09 € Quantity: SolarSystem 550 elevates indoor and outdoor gardening to new heights. The SS 550 is compact and lightweight, while emitting more light than the much larger LED lamps on the market and will replace the 600W HPS system. View product
California Lightworks SolarXtreme 500 California Lightworks SolarXtreme 500 609,86 € Quantity: Providing coverage for 16 square feet, our SolarXtreme 500 full-spectrum LED grow lights support all phases of the growing cycle, whether used for small-scale home growing or in a grow tent. The grow light system’s innovative design eliminates LED drivers. View product
California Lightworks SolarSystem 275 VEG California Lightworks SolarSystem 275 VEG 599,63 € Quantity: The SolarSystem 275 VEG includes the latest generation of high-performance LEDs as well as the most flexible control system on the market. The system is perfect for a single lamp in a tent or several hundred in a large-scale commercial operation. View product